LIFTLAB Skincare. Healthy Skin. Clinically Proven.



LIFTLAB Skincare with CellPro Peptide is clinically proven to work with skin’s natural cycles of renewal to protect, strengthen, and keep your skin healthy and vibrant. LIFTLAB skincare products empower your skin to produce its own natural proteins to protect against cold and heat damage, pollutants that oxidize and age your skin and chemical imbalances that cause redness and irritation. LIFTLAB products increase the amount of moisture, collagen, and elastin in treated skin for a healthier, younger appearance at any age. And skin as resilient as you are. Patented CellPro Peptide, the critical active found only in LIFTLAB products, is clinically proven by science, medicine and Mother Nature. Inspired by its role in nature — to protect natural life in extreme environments - our scientists found CellPro Peptide helps cells to heal and regenerate. Working with doctors, we have used CellPro Peptide to preserve the viability of organs and tissue for life-saving transplants since 1992. LIFTLAB Skincare. Healthy Skin. Clinically Proven


In 1991, I read an article about the oceanographer Dr. Fred Scholander who asked the question “Why don’t fish in the Arctic freeze to death?”. The answer is that along with other plants and animals, they produce a special protein we now know as CellPro Peptide that protects them against damage from environmental extremes. That led me to found A/F Protein, the biotechnology company that now produces LIFTLAB skincare. For much of our history we focused only on medical uses of the peptide, including the preservation of organs for transplantation. As our research results accumulated, we realized that CPP® had a number of remarkable effects on our largest organ, skin: topically applied, it allows skin to repair itself from damage by helping to increase skin’s production of its own anti-inflammatory proteins, plus collagen, elastin, antioxidants and “Chaperone” proteins – the proteins that make sure other proteins keep working as they are supposed to. With that information in hand, in 2010 we began to develop the LIFTLAB Skincare line.