Visible results after just 7 hours!

Beat dark circles, breakouts and wrinkles, while boosting collagen, rebalancing hydration and losing weight. 

This is not some new miracle product we're touting - it's the benefit of a good night's sleep. They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing! 

The science says that getting enough sleep isn’t just crucial for our overall health and well-being; it also makes a serious impact on what we see when we look in the mirror.

That means fewer dark shadows under our eyes, plus fewer breakouts, healthier hair, and a firmer, plumper skin.

March 15 is World Sleep Day - but do you know enough about what it means to get a good night’s sleep?

  1. Glowing skin

During sleep, your body ramps up production of growth hormones, which play a key role in cell repair and regeneration. This translates to firmer, plumper skin with a healthy, youthful glow. When you're sleep-deprived, your skin loses its elasticity and appears dull and tired.

  1. Bye-bye breakouts

Stressed and sleep-deprived? You're not alone! When your body is stressed, it produces more cortisol, a hormone that can contribute to breakouts. Getting enough sleep helps regulate cortisol levels, leading to calmer skin and fewer blemishes.

  1. Brighter eyes

Those dreaded puffy eyes and dark circles are often telltale signs of sleep deprivation. During sleep, excess fluid is drained from around your eyes, preventing that puffy look. Additionally, good sleep allows your body to flush out toxins, which can contribute to dark circles.

  1. No more frizz

Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your hair, making it dry, brittle, and prone to frizz. While you sleep, your body increases blood flow to your scalp, delivering essential nutrients that promote healthy hair growth and keep your strands shiny and manageable.

So, how much sleep do you actually need? The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults. 

More than a third (35%) of adults in the US report getting less than that on a regular basis, so if you struggle to get enough zzzs, you’re not alone. 

But, while both are important for overall health, there's a crucial distinction between quantity (hours of sleep) and quality (how well you sleep). While they are connected, they're not interchangeable. Here's how they differ:

Hours of sleep represents the amount of time you spend sleeping. It’s easy enough to track: you simply monitor the time you spend in bed.

Quality of sleep, on the other hand, refers to how well you sleep and how restful you feel when you wake up.

Factors influencing this include deep sleep stages, whether you’re disturbed through the night or are restless, if it’s too hot or too cold, or if it’s too bright. Your own sleep habits also come into play here - for instance, if you keep to a regular sleep schedule, and if you avoid caffeine before bed.

You may feel well-rested after six hours of quality sleep, while someone else might need closer to nine hours for the same feeling.

So aim for a consistent sleep schedule (going to bed and waking up around the same time) and create a relaxing bedtime routine to wind down and prepare your body for restful sleep.

  • Limit screen time before bed: The blue light emitted from electronic devices can interfere with sleep.
  • Create a sleep-conducive environment: Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Get into a routine: Take a warm bath, read a book, or practice meditation.
  • Exercise regularly, but not too close to bedtime.

Remember, beauty sleep is an investment in your overall health and well-being. By prioritizing sleep, you'll not only feel refreshed and energized but also wake up with a natural, radiant glow that no amount of makeup can replicate. Sweet dreams, beautiful!

Our March 14th edition, titled "Visible Results in Just 7 Hours!", delves into the astonishing beauty benefits of a full night's rest. From banishing dark circles and breakouts to enhancing skin's collagen production, we uncover the science behind why they call it "beauty sleep." This article is your invitation to explore the profound impact sleep has on your appearance, underscored by product recommendations that enhance nighttime recovery, such as Pili Ani's Self-Care Night Recovery Oil and Priori's R-Spinasome Ultimate Night Creme. Discover more about harnessing the power of sleep for beauty on our website, and remember, the journey to a radiant complexion begins with quality rest.

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