When it’s Time to Throw Out Your Beauty Products - The Surprising Truth About Mascara!

Admit it - you have no idea when you bought that mascara that’s starting to crust around the lid. And you’re still using eyeshadows that have been in your make-up bag for … years?
While we know that YOU know your beloved beauty stash has a shelf life, it can be hard to throw out those items you spent so much time (and money) hunting down.
So gird your loins, our friend. Because this is the hard truth about how long your beauty and skincare arsenal remains effective, and when holding onto them could actually cause you harm.
Let's share a quick story about Sarah, a long-time Beautyque NYC customer. She cherished her high-end mascara, using it well beyond its expiration. The result? An unfortunate eye infection that taught her the importance of adhering to product shelf lives. Sarah’s story is not unique, but it's a crucial reminder of why we should pay attention to these details.
Have you ever wondered why some products seem to go off faster than others? For instance, why does mascara need to be replaced every three months?

Understanding shelf life

Woman examining her products
Just like that delicious jar of homemade jam in your pantry, beauty and skincare products don’t last forever. The effectiveness of the active ingredients diminishes over time, and exposure to air and light can accelerate the process. It's crucial to pay attention to the PAO (Period After Opening) symbol on your products, denoted by an open jar icon with a number and the letter 'M' (months). This indicates how long the product remains safe and effective after being opened.

Cleansers and toners

cleaner, cleansers , and toners
Let’s start with the basics. Cleansers and toners generally have a shelf life of about 6 to 12 months. Keep an eye on changes in color, texture, or scent – these can be indicators that it's time to part ways.


woman applying moisturizer

Like your other skincare essentials, your trusty moisturizer typically lasts between 6 months to a year. If the texture changes or if it starts smelling off, it's time to invest in a fresh jar to keep your skin hydrated and happy.

Serums and treatments

lady applying serum

Again - think 6 months to a year. Pay attention to changes in color or consistency, and if you notice a decline in efficacy, it's a sign to replenish your stash.


woman with sunscreen on sunny day
We know we keep banging on about this, but sunscreen is non-negotiable for healthy skin. Check the expiration date on the packaging, and if there isn't one, it's safest to replace it after a year. An expired sunscreen won't provide the protection your skin needs.


Woman applying makeup
From foundations to eyeshadows, make-up products also have a shelf life. Mascara should be replaced every 3 months- yes THREE months -  which is why many beauty experts recommend only ever buying travel sizes. 
Powders and eyeshadows, meanwhile, can last up to two years. Liquid foundations generally last about a year, so keep an eye on changes in odor or texture.


Woman applying makeup with beauty sponge
We’re not done! Even your make-up brushes and beauty sponges need to be refreshed from time to time. Clean your brushes regularly, and if they start shedding or losing their shape, it's time for new ones. Replace your sponges every 3 months to avoid bacteria buildup.
So now you know. Knowledge is power. And while we know it’s tempting to stretch the lifespan of your favorite beauty products, using them beyond their shelf life can actually pose significant risks to your skin. 
Expired products can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, mold, and other microorganisms, especially if they've been exposed to air and light. Applying them to your skin can lead to irritation, redness, breakouts, or even more severe allergic reactions. 
Seriously, your skin deserves the best care, and using expired products won't do it any favors. Here endeth the lesson.
For a visual guide on these timelines, check out our infographic below. It's a simple tool to help you keep track of your product's shelf life.

As we advocate for beauty product awareness, let's not forget about sustainability. Responsible disposal of expired products is key to our commitment to clean beauty and environmental stewardship. Find tips on recycling and repurposing beauty containers creatively on our blog here.

So now you know. Knowledge is power, and using this power responsibly is part of our beauty journey. As you take these insights forward, remember that Beautyque NYC is more than just a brand; we are a community celebrating each unique beauty journey. Stay tuned for more empowering content in our next BeautyQurated newsletter. Together, let's navigate the beauty world with confidence, grace, and responsibility.

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